Jacobs, Dan(iel) N(orman)

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JACOBS, Dan(iel) N(orman)

JACOBS, Dan(iel) N(orman). American, b. 1924. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, assistant professor of political science, 1959-62, associate professor, 1962-65, professor, 1965-98, emeritus, 1998-. Publications: (ed.) The New Communist Manifesto, 1961, 3rd. ed., 1965; The Masks of Communism, 1963; (ed. with H.H. Baerwald) Chinese Communism, 1963; The New Communisms, 1969; (co-author) Ideologies and Modern Politics, 1972; From Marx to Mao and Marchais, 1979; Borodin: Stalin's Man in China, 1981; (co-author) Studies of the Third Wave: Recent Migration of Soviet Jews to the United States, 1981; Comparative Politics, 1983. Contributor to reference works. Address: 2444 Madison Rd Apt 508, Cincinnati, OH 45208, U.S.A. Online address: jacobsdn@muohio.edu

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