Jacobs, Barbara

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JACOBS, Barbara

JACOBS, Barbara. Mexican, b. 1947. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Essays. Career: Writer. Lecturer at institutions throughout the world, including Stanford University and New York University. College of Mexico, investigator and professor, 1974-77. Publications: Un justo acuerdo (stories; title means: A Just Agreement), 1979; Doce cuentos en contra (stories; title means: Twelve Stories Against), 1982; Escrito en el tiempo (essays; title means: Written on Time), 1985; Las hojas muertas (novel), 1987, trans. as The Dead Leaves, 1993; Las siete fugas de Saab, alias el Rizos (novel; title means: The Seven Flights of Saab, alias Curly Hair), 1992; Vida con mi amigo (novel; title means: Life with My Friend), 1994; Juego limpio (essays; title means: Fair Play), 1997; Adios humanidad (novel; title means: Goodbye to Mankind), 2000. Contributor of essays and stories to periodicals. Address: Rafael Checa 53, 01070 Chimalistac, DF, Mexico. Online address: barjaco@nidr.com