Jacobs, Anna
JACOBS, Anna. Also writes as Sherry-Anne Jacobs, Shannah Jay. British, b. 1941. Genres: Young adult fiction. Career: Writer. Formerly a teacher, a lecturer in adult technical college, and a human resources officer. Publications: GIBSON FAMILY SERIES: Salem Street, 1994; High Street, 1995; Ridge Hill, 1996; Hallam Square, 1996; Spinner's Lake, 1997. KERSHAW SISTERS SERIES: Our Lizzie, 1999; Our Polly, 2001; Our Eva, 2003; Our Mary Ann, 2003. OTHER HISTORICAL SAGAS; Jessie, 1998; Like No Other, 1999; Lancashire Lass, 2000; Seasons of Love, 2000; A Forbidden Embrace, 2001; Lancashire Legacy, 2001; Replenish the Earth, 2001; Down Weavers Lane, 2002; Mistress of Marymoor, 2002; A Pennyworth of Sunshine, 2003; Change of Season, 2003. AS SHERRY-ANNE JACOBS: Persons of Rank, 1992, as A Proper Match, 2000; An Introduction to Romance Writing, 1998; Plotting and Editing, 1998. FANTASY FICTION AS SHANNAH JAY; Quest, 1993; Envoy, 1994; Lands of Nowhere, 1995; Shadow of the Serpent, 1995; The Price of Wisdom, 1996. E-BOOKS: Sword of Azaray (fantasy for young adults), 1999; Worlds Beyond (short-story collection), 1999. Address: c/o International Scripts, 1 Norland Square, London W11 4PX, England. Online address: anna@atsannajacobs.com