Horsman, Reginald
HORSMAN, Reginald
HORSMAN, Reginald. American (born England), b. 1931. Genres: History. Career: University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, instructor, 1958-59, assistant professor, 1959-62, associate professor, 1962-64, professor, 1964-73, distinguished professor of history, 1973-99, distinguished professor emeritus, 1999-. Publications: The Causes of the War of 1812, 1962; Matthew Elliott: British Indian Agent, 1964; Expansion and American Indian Policy 1783-1812, 1967; The War of 1812, 1969; Napoleon's Europe, 1970; The Frontier in the Formative Years 1783-1815, 1970; Race and Manifest Destiny, 1981; The Diplomacy of the New Republic 1776-1815, 1985; Dr. Nott of Mobile: Southerner, Physician, and Racial Theorist, 1987; Frontier Doctor: William Beaumont, America's First Great Medical Scientist, 1996; The New Republic: The United States of America, 1789-1815. Address: Dept. of History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53201, U.S.A. Online address: Horsman@csd.uwm.edu