Horsley, Richard A.
HORSLEY, Richard A.
HORSLEY, Richard A. American. Genres: History. Career: New Testament author and scholar. University of Massachusetts, Boston, professor of religious studies. Publications: (with J.S. Hanson) Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs, 1986; Jesus and the Spiral of Violence: Popular Jewish Resistance in Roman Palestine, 1987; The Liberation of Christmas: The Infancy Narratives in Social Context, 1989; Sociology and the Jesus Movement, 1989; Galilee: History, Politics, People, 1995; Archaeology, History and Society in Galilee: The Social Context of Jesus and the Rabbis, 1996; (with N.A. Silberman) The Message and the Kingdom: How Jesus and Paul Ignited a Revolution and Transformed the Ancient World, 1997; (ed) Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society, 1997; First Corinthians, 1998; (with J.A. Draper) Whover Hears You, Hears Me, 1999; Saul and Politics, 2000; (ed with J. Tracy) Christmas Unwrapped, 2001. Address: University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125, U.S.A. Online address: rhorsley@umbsky.cc.umb.edu