Hopkins, Dwight N.

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HOPKINS, Dwight N.

HOPKINS, Dwight N. American, b. 1953. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: University of Chicago, IL, professor of theology, 1996-. Publications: Black Theology USA and South Africa, 1989; Shoes That Feel Our Feet: Sources for a Constructive Black Theology, 1993; Down, Up, and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology, 1999; Introducing Black Theology of Liberation, 1999; Heart and Head: Black Theology Past, Present, and Future, 2002; (ed.) Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essay on James H. Cone's Black Theology and Black Power, 1999. CO-EDITOR: We Are One Voice: Black Theology in South Africa and the USA, 1989; Cut Loose Your Stammering Tongue: Black Theology in the Slave Narratives, 1991; Changing Conversations: Religious Reflection and Cultural Analysis, 1996; Liberation Theologies: Post-Modernity and the Americas, 1997; Global Voices for Gender Justice, 2003. Address: Swift Hall, University of Chicago, 1025 E 58th St, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A. Online address: dhopkins@uchicago.edu