Fenton, Kate

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FENTON, Kate. British, b. 1954. Genres: Novels. Career: House of Commons, London, England, researcher and secretary to Anthony Steen, 1977-78; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC-Radio), Cardiff, Wales, producer of radio features, 1978-82; BBC-Radio, London, producer of radio features, 1982-85; writer, 1985-. Yorkshire Theatre Company, touring musical director, 1974-76; freelance pianist. Publications: NOVELS: The Colours of Snow, 1990; Dancing to the Pipers, 1993; Lions and Liquorice, 1995; Balancing on Air, 1996; Too Many Godmothers, 2000; Picking Up, 2002. Address: c/o John Johnson Ltd., Clerkenwell House, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0HT, England. Online address: office@KateFenton.com

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