Fenton, Alexander

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FENTON, Alexander

FENTON, Alexander. Scottish, b. 1929. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology. Career: Scottish National Dictionary, Edinburgh, senior assistant editor, 1955-59; National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Edinburgh, assistant keeper, 1959-75, deputy keeper, 1975-78, director, 1978-85; National Museums of Scotland, research director, 1985-89; European Ethnological Research Centre, director, 1989-. University of Edinburgh, lecturer, 1958-60, 1974-80, professor of Scottish ethnology and director, School of Scottish Studies, 1990-. Publications: The Various Names of Shetland, 1973, 2nd ed., 1977; Scottish Country Life, 1976, new ed., 1999; The Island Blackhouse: A Guide to the Blackhouse at 42 Arnol, Lewis, 1978; The Northern Isles: Orkney and Shetland, 1978, new ed., 1997; Continuity and Change in the Building Tradition of Northern Scotland, 1979; (with B.D. Walker) The Rural Architecture of Scotland, 1981; The Shape of the Past, 2 vols., 1985-86; Wirds an' wark 'e seasons roon on an Aberdeenshire Farm, 1987; Country Life in Scotland: Our Rural Past, 1987; The Turra Coo, 1989; Scottish Country Life, 1989; On Your Bike: 13 Years of Travelling Curators, 1990; Craiters or 20 Buchan Tales, 1995. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: (with A. Gailey) The Spade in Northern and Atlantic Europe, 1970; (with J. Podolak and H. Rasmussen) Land Transport in Europe, 1973; (with B.D. Walker and G. Stell) Building Construction in Scotland, 1976; (with H. Palsson) The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World, 1984; (with G. Stell) Loads and Roads in Scotland and Beyond, 1984; (with E. Kisban) Food in Change, 1986; (with J. Myrdal) Food and Drink and Travelling Accessories: Essays in Honour of Goesta Berg, 1988. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: European Ethnological Research Centre, c/o National Museums of Scotland, Queen St, Edinburgh EH2 1JF, Scotland. Online address: a.fenton@nms.ac.uk

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