Fedoroff, Nina (V.)

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FEDOROFF, Nina (V.). American, b. 1942. Genres: Sciences. Career: Biological Abstracts, Philadelphia, PA, assistant manager of Translational Bureau, 1962-63; freelance translator and abstracter from Russian to English, 1963-66; Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, Syracuse, NY, flutist, 1964-66; University of California, Los Angeles, acting assistant professor of biology, 1972-74; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore, MD, staff scientist, 1974-95. Johns Hopkins University, professor of biology, 1978-95; University of Maryland at College Park, member of scientific advisory board, Center for Agricultural Biotechnology, 1987-; Pennsylvania State University, Willaman Professor of Life Sciences, 1995-. Publications: (ed. with D. Botstein) The Dynamic Genome: Barbara McClintock's Ideas in the Century of Genetics, 1992. Work represented in scientific anthologies. Contributor to scientific journals and newspapers. Address: Biotechnology Institute, 0519 Wartik Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A. Online address: nvf1@psu.edu

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