Cleveland, Leslie

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CLEVELAND, Leslie. New Zealander (born Australia), b. 1921. Genres: Poetry, Communications/Media, Film, Mythology/Folklore, Photography. Career: Reader, Victoria University of Wellington, 1966-87. Ed., Political Science journal, 1969-75; Sr. Fellow, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1988-89; Research Associate, University of Wellington, 1992. Publications: The Songs We Sang, 1959; The Silent Land, 1966; The Anatomy of Influence, 1972; (with A. D. Robinson) Readings in New Zealand Government, 1972; The Iron Hand, 1979; The Politics of Utopia, 1979; The Great New Zealand Songbook, 1991; Dark Laughter, 1994; Six Decades, 1998. Address: 38 Havelock St, Wellington, New Zealand. Online address:

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Cleveland, Leslie

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