Cleveland, Ceil

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CLEVELAND, Ceil. American, b. 1940. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Literary criticism and history, Autobiography/Memoirs, Reference. Career: Scriptwriter for educational television, Spokane, WA, 1966-69, and Dallas, TX, 1970-72; Cincinnati Arts and Humanities Consortium, OH, director of curriculum, 1972-74; University Press, University of Cincinnati, associate editor, 1974-76; Columbia-The Magazine of Columbia University, NYC, founder and editor-in-chief, 1976-86; Cleveland Communications Inc. (marketing & editorial projects organization), founder and president, 1986-; Queens College of the City University of New York, NYC, vice president for university relations, 1991-95; State University of New York at Stony Brook, vice president for university affairs and associate professor of English and women's studies, 1995-98; New York University, adjunct professor of English, 1998-. Syzygy: A Journal of Short Fiction, co-founder, 1976; founder, Cincinnati Women's Press, and The Brook (magazine), c. 1996. Lecturer at colleges. Publications: The Bluebook Solution (mystery), 2002. NONFICTION: Iron, Gold, and Bronze Women, and a Few Made of Steel: Three Generations of Women and Their Relationship to Work, 1994; Whatever Happened to Jacy Farrow? (memoir), 1997; In the World of Literature; Better Punctuation, 2003. EDITOR: A. Briggs, Lord Briggs, English Musical Culture, 1776-1976, 1977; M. Mulder, Managing with Power, 1979. Contributor to periodicals, journals, and newspapers;. Address: 11 Prospect Rd, Centerport, NY 11721, U.S.A. Online address:

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Cleveland, Ceil

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Cleveland, Ceil