The Bubble

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The Bubble ★★ Ha Buah 2006

The westernized district of Sheikin St. in Tel Aviv seems far removed from the racial and religious conflicts plaguing the area. Lulu (Wircer) shares her apartment (and life) with two gay men: Yali (Firedmann) and Noam (Knoller), who is in love with Palestinian Ashraf (Sweid). Ashraf is living and working in the city illegally and his abrupt return to his home in Nablus leads to a last act that strains credibility. Hebrew and Arabic with subtitles. 117m/C DVD . IS Ohad Knoller, Yousef (Joe) Sweid, Alon Friedmann, Daniela Wircer, Roba Blal, Shredy Jabarin; D: Eytan Fox; W: Eytan Fox, Gal Uchovsky; C: Yaron Sharf; M: Ivri Lider.

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