The Brothers Grimm

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The Brothers Grimm ★½ 2005 (PG-13)

Rather grim indeed is this illconceived fairytale from Gilliam that had a Cathrocky and delayed production (it was filmed in 2003). Wilhelm (Damon) and Jacob (Ledger) are 18th century German con men fleecing credulous country folk who believe in the supernatural. But in orpubder to save their own skins, the brothers must investigate the disappearance of a number of young women who have vanished into a truly enchanted forest that is the domain of the Mirror Queen (Bellucci). The film looks good but it's really all an illusion. 118m/C DVD, Bluray Disc, UMD . US CZ Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Monica Bellucci, Jonathan Pryce, Lena Headey, Peter Stormare, Jan Unger; D: Terry Gilliam; W: Ehren Kruger; C: Newton Thomas (Tom) Sigel; M: Dario Marianelli.

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