The Brylcreem Boys

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The Brylcreem Boys ★★ 1996 (PG-13)

In September, 1941, Canadian pilot Miles Keogh (Campbell) and his crew are forced to bail out of their plane. They land in neutral southern Ireland, where they're interned in the local POW camp run by Sean O'Brien (Byrne). The camp holds both Allies and Germans—separated by only a thin wire fence. Keogh figures it's his patriotic duty to try to escape as does German officer Rudolph von Stegenbeck (Macfadyen), and problems compound when both soldiers are let out on day-release passes and, naturally, fall for the same lovely local colleen, Mattie (Butler). It's pleasant but unmemorable. 105m/C VHS, DVD . GB Billy Campbell, Angus MacFadyen, William McNamara, Gabriel Byrne, Jean Butler, Joe McGann, Oliver Tobias, Gordon John Sinclair; D: Terence Ryan; W: Terence Ryan, Jamie Brown; C: Gerry Lively; M: Richard Hartley.

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