Bradbury, Jim
BRADBURY, Jim. British, b. 1937. Genres: History, Literary criticism and history. Career: Shoreditch Comprehensive School, London, England, schoolteacher, 1959-61; Manhood Secondary School, schoolteacher, 1961-69; Borough Road College & West London Institute of Education, history lecturer, 1969-89, part-time lecturer, 1989-93; writer. Publications: Shakespeare and His Theatre (for children), 1975; The Medieval Archer, 1985; Introduction to Buckinghamshire Domesday, 1986; The Medieval Siege, 1992; Stephen and Matilda, the Civil War 1139-45, 1996; Philip Augustus, King of France, 1997; The Battle of Hastings, 1998. Contributor to books and journals. Address: 27 East St, Selsey, W. Sussex PO20 0BN, England. Online address: