The Adventures of Mark Twain 1944

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The Adventures of Mark Twain ★★★ 1944

March stars as Mark Twain, the nom de plume of Samuel Clemens, the beloved humorist and writer. His travels and adventures along the Mississippi and on to the California gold rush would later result in the books and stories which would make him so well-known. March attains a quiet nobility as he goes from young man to old sage, along with Smith, who plays Olivia, Twain's beloved wife. 130m/B VHS . Fredric March, Alexis Smith, Donald Crisp, Alan Hale, Sir C. Aubrey Smith, John Carradine, William Henry, Robert Barrat, Walter Hampden, Percy Kilbride; D: Irving Rapper; W: Alan LeMay, Harry Chandlee; M: Max Steiner.

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The Adventures of Mark Twain 1944

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