The Adventures of Felix

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The Adventures of Felix ★★ Drole de Felix 1999

Felix (Bouajila) is a gay, HIV-positive Frenchman of Arab descent who decides to go on a road trip to Marseilles after finding some old letters from the father he never knew. Felix has a number of adventures while hitchhiking and makes an impromptu family of those he meets along the way, which leads him to wonder if he really needs to meet his biological dad after all. French with subtitles. 95m/C VHS, DVD . FR Sami Bouajila, Patachou, Ariane Ascaride, Pierre-Loup Rajot, Charly Sergue, Clement Reverend, Maurice Benichou; D: Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau; W: Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau; C: Mathieu Poirot-Delpech.

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