The 4th Tenor

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The 4th Tenor ★★½ 2002 (PG-13)

Well, Rodney doesn't get much respect in this movie either—at least not at first. Italian restauranteur Lupo (Dangerfield) has fallen for one of his operatic singing waitresses (Gurwitch) but she doesn't return his interest. So he decides he has to learn to sing himself to impress her and flies to Italy for professional coaching, only to be taken in by a couple of con men. 97m/C VHS, DVD . Rodney Dangerfield, Robert Davi, Annabelle Gurwitch, Anita De Simone, Charles Fleischer, Richard Libertini, Vincent Schiavelli; D: Harry Basil; W: Rodney Dangerfield, Harry Basil; C: Ken Blakey; M: Christopher Lennertz. VIDEO

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