The 24 Hour Woman

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The 24 Hour Woman ★★½ 1999 (R)

Perez is Grace, a morning TV talk show producer who has her pregnancy announced on the air, to the surprise of the baby's father (and the show's cohost) Serrano. Heartless executive producer LuPone milks the pregnancy for every ratings point, then callously turns her back on her employee's problems once the baby is delivered. Pressured by the demands of her job and motherhood, Grace has a major mental meltdown in which she confronts her harpy boss on air. Perez shows a more mature side while still retaining her Latina buzzsaw comic gifts. 93m/C VHS . Rosie Perez, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Patti LuPone, Karen Duffy, Wendell Pierce, Melissa Leo, Aida Turturro, Diego Serrano, Rosanna Desoto, Alicia Renee Washington; D: Nancy Savoca; W: Nancy Savoca, Richard Guay; C: Teresa Medina; M: Louis Vega, Kenny Gonzalez.

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