The 3 Marias

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The 3 Marias ★½ As Tres Marias 2003

Three decades after Filomena (Severo) dumped Guerra (Vereza) and married his rival, Guerra murders her husband and sons in cold blood. Things get messy when Filomena conspires with her three daughters—all named Maria—to avenge the deaths. Common bloody revenge tale includes bits of dark humor. In Portuguese, with English subtitles. 90m/C VHS, DVD . PT Maria Luisa Mendonca, Marieta Severo, Julia Lemmertz, Luiza Mariani, Carlos Vereza; D: Aluisio Abranches; W: Heitor Dhalia, Wilson Friere; C: Marcelo Durst. VIDEO

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The 3 Marias

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