Wilson, Monica Hunter (1908–1982)

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Wilson, Monica Hunter (1908–1982)

South African social anthropologist. Born Monica Hunter, Jan 3, 1908, in village of Lovedale, South Africa; died 1982; dau. of David Alexander Hunter and Jessie McGregor Hunter (both missionaries); Girton College, Cambridge, BA, 1930, PhD, 1934; m. Godfrey Wilson (anthropologist, died 1944), 1935; children: 4.

Performed fieldwork among Pondo in Eastern Cape (present-day Tanskei); with husband, conducted research among Nyakyusa in East Africa and published The Analysis of Social Change; served as lecturer in social anthropology and warden of women students at University College of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape; became chair of social anthropology and 1st woman professor at Rhodes University College (1947); served as chair of social anthropology and 1st woman professor at University of Cape Town (1952–73); with Leonard Thompson, served as editor of 2-vol. Oxford History of South Africa (1969, 1971).

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