Wilson, Mary (1916–)

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Wilson, Mary (1916–)

British prime-ministerial wife and poet. Name variations: Lady Wilson of Rievaulx. Born Gladys Mary Baldwin in 1916 in Norfolk, England; dau. of a Congregational minister; m. Harold Wilson (later prime minister of Britain, 1964–70, 1974–76), later Baron Wilson of Rievaulx, in 1940 (died 1995); children: sons Robin (b. Dec 1943) and Giles (b. May 1948).

Wife of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, lived at No. 10 Downing Street in London (1964–70, 1974–76); sought as normal an existence as life in public permitted; though she objected to public speaking, was quick to kill the "timid housewife image" associated with her and adapted well to the grander life and to public appearances, accompanying husband on state visits to Washington, Paris, Rome, Ottawa, and Moscow; was also a poet.

See also Women in World History.

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