O'Faolain, Julia (1932–)

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O'Faolain, Julia (1932–)

Irish novelist and short-story writer. Name variations: Julia Martines. Born June 6, 1932, in London, England; dau. of Sean O'Faolain and Eileen Gould O'Faolain (both authors); m. Lauro Martines.

Works, which often focus on the position of women in society, include We Might See Sights and Other Stories (1968), Godded and Codded (1970), Man in the Cellar (1974), Women in the Wall (1975), Melancholy Baby and Other Stories (1978), No Country for Young Men (1980), The Obedient Wife (1982), the critically acclaimed Daughters of Passion (1982), The Irish Signorina (1984), and The Judas Cloth (1992); with husband edited Not in God's Image: Women in History from the Greeks to the Victorians (1973).

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