Maris, Mona (1903–1991)

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Maris, Mona (1903–1991)

Argentinean-born actress. Born María Capdevielle, Nov 7, 1903, in Buenos Aires, Argentina; died Mar 23, 1991, in Buenos Aires; m. Clarence Brown (director, div.); m. Herman Rick (Dutch millionaire), 1960 (div. 1969).

Educated in France, began film career in Britain and Germany; made US film debut in The Apache (1925); other films include The Little People, Die Leibeigenen, Rutschbahn, Romance of the Rio Grande, Under a Texas Moon, The Arizona Kid, Seas Beneath, Secrets, No dejes la puerta abierta, White Heat, Tres amores, El cantante de Napoles, Underground, My Gal Sal, Berlin Correspondent, The Falcon in Mexico, The Avengers and Camila.

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