Kenyatta, Margaret (1928–)

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Kenyatta, Margaret (1928–)

Kenyan activist and politician. Born Margaret Wambui Kenyatta in Nairobi, Kenya, 1928; only daughter of Jomo Kenyatta (1891–1978, nationalist, politician, and 1st president of Kenya) and his 1st wife, Nyokabi; attended Church of Scotland Mission School, Kikuyu, and Alliance High School; never married; no children.

While father served a 7-year prison term for involvement with the Mau Mau, became active in Peoples Congress Party, which worked for African rights and release of political prisoners; also joined social welfare leagues, including Maendeleo ya Wanawake, one of Kenya's most important women's organizations; when father was released and became head of Kenya African National Union (KANU, 1959), served as assistant secretary of party and later as secretary of KANU branch at Kiambu; when father became prime minister, then president, joined his efforts to build a unified nation, working particularly to interest women in political activism; was elected a councilor for Dagoretti in city council of Nairobi (1963); reelected for 4 subsequent terms, continued efforts to unify women in a quest for equality, utilizing contacts with international movements; became president of National Council of Women of Kenya (1964) and began to travel widely, addressing conferences throughout world on women's roles in nation-building; elected deputy mayor of Nairobi (1969), then mayor (1971), the 1st African woman to become mayor of Kenya's capital city and 2nd African woman mayor in nation; her tenure was marked by many developmental programs, including expansion of subways, building of low-cost housing and sewerage, and expansion of public health facilities. Awarded Order of Queen of Sheba by Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (1964).

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Kenyatta, Margaret (1928–)

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