Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary (1863–1932)

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Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary (1863–1932)

Irish novelist and playwright. Name variations: (pseudonym) Richard Dehan. Born June 3, 1863, in Buttevant, Co. Cork, Ireland; died Dec 3, 1932; dau. of Major W. H. Graves.

Presented 1st play Nitocris (four acts) at Drury Lane (1887), then was commissioned to write the pantomime Puss in Boots; plays include Rachel, Katherine Kavanagh, Dr. and Mrs. Neill, A Maker of Comedies, A Mother of Three, A Matchmaker, The Bishop's Eye, St. Martin's Summer (with Lady Colin Campbell), The Lovers' Battle, The Bond of Ninon, A Tenement Tragedy, The Other Side and The General's Past; also wrote novels Between Two Thieves, The Head Quarter Recruit, The Man of Iron, That Which Hath Wings, The Just Steward and The Pipers of the Market Place.

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