Dodge, Eva F. (1896–1990)

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Dodge, Eva F. (1896–1990)

American physician. Born Eva Francette Dodge, July 24, 1896, in New Hampton, New Hampshire; died Mar 1990; dau. of Winnie Josephine (Worthen) Dodge and George Francis Dodge (physician).

The 1st female physician to establish a private practice in Winston-Salem, NC (1932), the 5th woman to earn MD from University of Maryland's Medical School (1925), the 1st woman to serve on University of Maryland's Medical School's rotating internship (1925–26) and residency in obstetrics (1926–27), and the 1st woman (and 2nd professor ever) to become a University of Arkansas Medical School professor emerita, began career as acting professor of obstetrics at Woman's Christian Medical School in Shanghai, China (1928–29); completed postgraduate study in Vienna, Austria (1931); served as obstetrics staff chief at City Memorial Hospital (1934–37), then organized and directed maternity clinics (1933–37); consulted for many organizations, including Alabama Bureau of Maternal and Child Health (1937), Puerto Rico Health Department's Maternal and Child Health Bureau (1940), and US Department of Labor Children's Bureau; served as associate medical director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America in NY (1943–45); worked at University of Arkansas for Medical Science in Little Rock (1945–64); remained active after retirement (June 30, 1964) and took many tours, including a UN tour of family planning projects in 4 African nations (1969).

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