Baudisch-Wittke, Gudrun (1907–1982)

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Baudisch-Wittke, Gudrun (1907–1982)

Austrian ceramist. Name variations: Gudrun Baudisch; Gudrun Baudisch-Teltscher. Born Gudrun Baudisch, Mar 17, 1907, in Pöls, Styria, Austria; died Oct 16, 1982, in Salzburg, Austria; attended University of Graz, Austria, and Vienna School of the Arts and Crafts; married a man named Teltscher (div.); m. Karl Wittke.

An accomplished ceramist and member of the 20th-century crafts collective Wiener Werkstätte, studied ceramics and sculpture at Graz, then moved to Grünbach and became the youngest member in the Kunstlerwerkstätte at 19; established herself as one of the top designers in Weiner Werkstätte (Vienna), specializing in heads and figurines (1926–30); was included in International Exhibition of Ceramic Art at Metropolitan Museum in NY (1928); opened own studio in Vienna (1930s); moved to Berlin following the Anschluss (1938); worked with architect Clemens Holzmeister, designing architectural faience for churches in Turkey, Austria and Germany; with 2nd husband Karl Wittke, settled in Hallstatt in Austria (1946) and set up the pottery workshop, Keramic Hallstatt; retired (1977) and turned pottery studio over to group of ceramists she had organized, Gruppe H. Created sculptures and decorations for many public and private buildings including Stadttheater in Gmunden (1949), Salzburg Festival Building (1959–60), and Bruckner Conservatory in Linz (1970).

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