Baud, Benjamim

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Baud, Benjamim (c.1807–75). English architect. He was Wyatville's assistant during the remodelling of Windsor Castle, Berks. (1826–40). In 1838 he won the competition to design the West of London and Westminster Cemetery, Brompton, London, which contained so many buildings for catacomb ‘burial’ that it never had any possibility of recouping the capital expended upon it. After disastrous litigation with the Cemetery Company, Baud carried on a minor architectural practice and produced many drawings and paintings. He designed the eccentric mausoleum in Lowther churchyard, West-md. (1857), for William, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale (1787–1872). With Michael Gandy he published Architectural Illustrations of Windsor Castle (1842) containing a text by John Britton.


Colvin (1995);
J. Curl (2002a, 2002c);
Sheppard (ed.) (1983)

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