Alvarado, Elvia (1938–)

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Alvarado, Elvia (1938–)

Honduran social and political activist. Born Jan 25, 1938, in Honduras; children: 6.

Under auspices of Catholic Church, served as organizer of mother's clubs in Honduran villages; was among founders of Federation of Campesina Women (FEHMUC); as member of National Campesina Union (UNC) and a founder (1985) of National Congress of Rural Workers (CNTC), worked on behalf of land recovery for peasants and was targeted for persecution by government; jailed at least 6 times in 1980s; collaborated with Medea Benjamin on testimonial autobiography Don't Be Afraid Gringo (1987), which was written for US audience; conducted speaking tours in US to educate international community about situation facing Honduran peasants and impact of US military presence in Honduras.

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Alvarado, Elvia (1938–)

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