
views updated May 09 2018


Lacewings are insects in the order Neuroptera, sub-order Planipennia. Lacewings are named after the fine, complex, cross-branched venation of their four wings, which presents a beautiful, lacelike pattern. Lacewings are rather poor, fluttery fliers. When at rest, they hold their wings tentlike over their back.

Lacewings have a complete metamorphosis , with four life history stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The eggs of lacewings are laid on vegetation, and occur singly at the end of a long stalk. The aquatic larvae are predators of other invertebrates . The larvae of some species of lacewings cover themselves with organic debris as a form of protective camouflage.

Adult lacewings are commonly found in vegetation, usually in the vicinity of surface waters such as streams and ponds. At night, lacewings are often attracted to lights in large numbers. Adult lacewings are terrestrial, and most species are predators of other insects. Some species are important predators of aphids (family Aphididae, order Homoptera) and other soft-bodied insects, and they can be beneficial by helping to prevent those sap-sucking insects from maintaining populations that are injurious to economically important plants.

The most abundant lacewings in North America are the greenish-colored, common, or green lacewings (family Chrysopidae), sometimes known as aphid-lions because of their voracious feeding on herbivorous insects. These lacewings can be quite abundant in herbaceous vegetation near aquatic habitats, and when handled they may give off an unpleasant-smelling odor. Chrysopa californica is a western species that has been mass-reared and used as a biological control of certain species of mealybugs (family Coccoidea, order Homoptera) in agriculture. The brown lacewings (family Hemerobiidae) are another relatively common group, while the pleasing lacewings (Dilaridae), beaded lacewings (Berothidae), ithonid lacewings (Ithonidae), and giant lacewings (Polystoechotidae) are relatively rare groups.


views updated May 21 2018


Lacewings are insects in the order Neuroptera, suborder Planipennia, named for the fine, complex, cross-branched venation of their four wings, which presents a beautiful lacelike pattern. Lacewings are rather poor, fluttery fliers. When at rest, they hold their wings tentlike over their backs.

Lacewings have a complete metamorphosis, with four life history stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Lacewings eggs are laid on vegetation, and occur singly at the end of a long stalk. The aquatic larvae are predators of other invertebrates. The larvae of some species cover themselves with organic debris as a form of protective camouflage.

Adult lacewings are commonly found in vegetation, usually in the vicinity of surface waters such as streams and ponds. At night, lacewings are often attracted to lights in large numbers. Adult lacewings are terrestrial, and most species prey on other insects. Some are important predators of aphids (family Aphididae, order Homoptera) and other soft-bodied insects, and they can help prevent those sap-sucking insects from maintaining populations that are injurious to economically important plants.

The most abundant lacewings in North America are the common (or green) lacewings (family Chrysopidae), sometimes known as aphid-lions because of their voracious feeding on herbivorous insects. These lacewings can be quite abundant in herbaceous vegetation near aquatic habitats, and when handled they may give off an unpleasant odor. Chrysopa californica is a western species that has been used as a biological control of certain mealybug (family Coccoidea, order Homoptera) species in agriculture. The brown lacewings (family Hemerobiidae) are another relatively common group, while the pleasing lacewings (Dilaridae), beaded lacewings (Berothidae), ithonid lacewings (Ithonidae), and giant lacewings (Polystoechotidae) are relatively rare.


views updated May 14 2018

Neuroptera (ant lions, lacewings, mantid flies, owlflies; class Insecta, subclass Pterygota) Order of endopterygote insects which have simple, biting mouthparts. The antennae are conspicuous and multi-segmented, and the two pairs of large, equal or subequal wings are lace-like, divided into many small cells by numerous cross-veins. The larvae are predacious or parasitic, with distinctive, sickle-shaped, sucking jaws. Pupation occurs in a silken cocoon. The silk is produced from modified excretory tubules opening into the hind gut of the larva and is extruded from the anus, rather than being produced by salivary glands. Many species are highly coloured and patterned, sometimes with dense hairs, and most can be recognized by the highly branched terminal portions of the main veins (end-twigging). With the exception of the Hymenoptera, few other insect groups are more beneficial to humans, since adults and larvae are predacious on a vast range of sap-sucking insects (e.g. aphids and psyllids), and others on lepidopteran eggs and larvae, mites, and immature dipterans. The order is represented in all the major zoogeographical regions of the world.


views updated May 21 2018


2. (green lacewings) See CHRYSOPIDAE.

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