Lacefield, Lori

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Lacefield, Lori


Education: University of Louisville, B.B.A.


Home—Centennial, CO. Office—Noel-Levitz, Inc., 6300 S. Syracuse Way, Ste. 645, Centennial, CO 80111-7307. E-mail—


Worked as a restaurant manager, retail manager, runway model, actress, corporate financial researcher, and data analyst; Noel-Levitz, Inc., Centennial, CO, product support manager.


Pike's Peak Writers, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Mystery Writers of America, Kiss of Death, Sisters in Crime.


The Seventh Survivor, Capital Crime Press (Fort Collins, CO), 2006.


Lori Lacefield began writing as a teenager, but only became serious about learning her craft in her late twenties. Her first novel, The Seventh Survivor, revolves around the idea of justice, and what precisely constitutes justice. Lacefield's heroine, Palmer Reed, was kidnapped as a child. As an adult she is invited to become a board member for an organization that works to help survivors of kidnappings such as herself. However, once more closely involved, Palmer begins to find a connection between the organization and her own kidnapping years earlier. Carrie Padgett, in a review for the Armchair Interviews Web site, remarked: "While Lacefield is a competent writer, there are too many plot and character weaknesses for me to love this book." However, Norman Goldman, writing on Book, opined that "Lacefield delivers all of the elements of a gripping crime novel with its clearly defined characters, high-stakes conflict, and the struggles of a vividly drawn protagonist." Theodore Feit, writing in the Midwest Book Review, found Lacefield's effort "worthy of a much more experienced author."



All Book, (July 26, 2007), review of The Seventh Survivor.

Armchair Interviews, (July 26, 2007), Carrie Padgett, review of The Seventh Survivor.

BookBitch, (July 26,2007), Jack Quick, review of The Seventh Survivor., (July 26, 2007), Norm Goldman, author interview, review of The Seventh Survivor.

Breakthrough Promotions Web site, (July 26, 2007), author biography.

Front Street Reviews, (July 26, 2007), Barb Radmore, review of The Seventh Survivor.

Lori Lacefield Home Page, (July 26, 2007).

Midwest Book, (October 30, 2006), Theodore Feit, review of The Seventh Survivor.

Noel Levitz Web site, (July 26, 2007), author biography.

Who Dunnit Web site, (July 26, 2007), Alan Paul Curtis, review of The Seventh Survivor.