Kral, Josef (1887-?)

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Kral, Josef (1887-?)

Publisher, editor, and writer on parapsychology. He was born August 15, 1887, in Munich, Germany. During World War II he worked with the opposition to Hitler and was eventuallyawarded the Distinguished Service Cross of the German Federal Republic. Kral published an autobiography in 1958, Auftrag des Gewissens: Documente Katholischen Widerstandes gegen das N. S. Regime (Command of Conscience: Documents of Catholic Resistance to the National Socialist Regime).

After the war Kral became general secretary of Imago Mundi, the International Society of Catholic Parapsychologists, and in 1951, with Alois Wiesinger, he began publication of the journal Vergorgene Welt (Hidden World), dealing with occult and parapsychological subjects. He also wrote a number of books on the paranormal.


Kral, Josef. Das Heisse Eisen: Das Außersinnliche als Wissenschaft und Glaube (The Hot Iron: The Paranormal as Science and Faith). Berlin: Verlag Harmonie, 1962.

. Die Irrelehre vom Zufall und Schicksal im Lichte der Wissenschaften und des Glaubens (The Heresy of Coincidence and Fate in the Light of Science and Faith). N.p., 1953.

. Der Neue Gottesbeweis: Parapsychologie, Mystik, Unsterblichkeit (New Proof of God: Parapsychology, Mysticism, Immortality). N.p., 1956.

Pleasants, Helene, ed. Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology. New York: Helix Press, 1964.

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