Kramer, Dale
KRAMER, Dale. American, b. 1936. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Bibliography, Biography. Career: Ohio University, Athens, instructor, 1962-63, assistant professor of English, 1963-65; University of Illinois, Urbana, assistant professor, 1965-67; associate professor, 1967-71, professor of English, 1971-95, emeritus, 1995-, associate dean of College of Arts and Sciences, 1992-95. Journal of English and German Philology, editor, 1972-95. Publications: Charles Maturin, 1973; Thomas Hardy: The Forms of Tragedy, 1975; Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles, 1991. EDITOR: Critical Approaches to the Fiction of Thomas Hardy, 1979; The Woodlanders, by T. Hardy, 1981, 1985; The Mayor of Casterbridge, by T. Hardy, 1987; Critical Essays on Thomas Hardy: The Novels, 1990; The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy, 1999. Address: Dept. of English, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. Online address: