Hutin, Serge Roger Jean (1929-)

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Hutin, Serge Roger Jean (1929-)

French author who wrote extensively on occult subjects. He was born on April 2, 1929, in Paris, and he studied at the Sorbonne. Hutin joined a variety of psychic and occult organizations, including the Institut Métapsychique International, Paris; the Association Francaise d'Etudes Métapsychiques, Paris; the Jacob Boehme Society, New York; the Swedenborg Institute, Basel; and the Rosicrucian Order.

He is most remembered for his work on the history of the occult, especially alchemy, Freemasonry, and the Rosicrucians. He also wrote a number of articles on parapsychological topics, especially retrocognition and reincarnation. Many were published in Revue Métapsychique.


Caron, M., and Serge Hutin. Les Alchimistes. 1959. Translated as The Alchemists. New York: Grove Press, 1961.

Hutin, Serge. Les Civilisations inconnues (Unknown Civilizations). N.p., 1961.

. Les Disciples anglais de Jacob Boehme. Paris; n.p., 1960.

. Les Francs-Macons (The Freemasons). Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1960.

. Histoire des Rose-Croix (History of the Rosicrucians). Paris: G. Nizet, 1955.

. Histoire mondiale des sociétés secrétes (World History of Secret Societies). N.p., 1959.

. A History of Alchemy. New York: Walker, 1963. . Voyages vers Ailleurs (Travels to Elsewhere). Paris: Fayard, 1962.

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