Hüttner, Harry J.M. 1938-

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HÜTTNER, Harry J.M. 1938-

PERSONAL: Born January 24, 1938, in Hillegom, Netherlands; son of Johan (a civil servant) and Anthonia (an instructor; maiden name, Conijn) Hüttner; married Henriette Van De Ven (a schoolteacher), July 11, 1963; children: Marieke, Maarten, Evert. Education: Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University of Nijmegen), M.A., 1963, Ph.D., 1985. Religion: Roman Catholic.

ADDRESSES: Home—Mortel 5, 6585 XG Mook, Netherlands. Office—Research Methodology Division, Department of Social Sciences, Radboud University of Nijmegen, Postbus 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, Netherlands. E-mail—hjm.huttner@inter.n1.net.

CAREER: Writer. Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, lecturer in research methodology, 1965–2002. Member of board of directors of a local housing corporation, 1970–. Military service: Served in Dutch special services, 1963–65.

MEMBER: Scientific Editors in the Netherlands (member of board of directors, 1982–92), Historical Society of Mook (member of board of directors, 1995–).


(With Pieter Van Den Eeden) Multi-Level Research, Sage Publications (London, England), 1982.

Multilevel Onderzoek: De Operationalisatie van Omgevingskenmerken (title means "Multilevel Research: The Operationalization of Collective Properties"), ITS (Nijmegen, Netherlands), 1985.

(Editor, with Henk Kleijer) Gezin en Onderwijs (title means "Family and Education"), Boom (Meppel, Netherlands), 1990.

(With Pieter Van Den Eeden) The Multilevel Design: A Guide with an Annotated Bibliography, 1980–1993, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 1995.

(Editor, with Pieter Van Den Eeden) Onderzoeken op Niveau: Toepassingen van Multilevel Analyse (title means "Investigations on a High Level: Applications of Multilevel Analysis"), Boom (Meppel, Netherlands), 1995.

(Editor, with Karsten Renckstorf and Fred Wester) Onderzoekstypen in de Communicatiewetenschap (title means "Designs in Communication Research"), Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum (Houten, Netherlands), 1995.

Contributor to books, including Education from the Multilevel Perspective: Models, Methodology, and Empirical Findings, edited by Hans Oosthoek and others, Gordon & Breach (New York, NY), 1984; and Social Network Research: Substantive Issues and Methodological Questions, edited by Kees Knipscheer and others, Swets & Zeitlinger (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1990. Contributor to journals, including Social Science Information, Current Sociology, and European Journal of Communication Research. Editor, Sociologische Gids, 1979–2002.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Magazine articles on local history.

SIDELIGHTS: Harry J.M. Hüttner once told CA: "I have studied sociology with a major in methodology. As a scholar, I am engaged in multilevel research, especially on the problems involved in the 'operationalization,' measurement, and observation of (collective) properties from institutions and organizations. My research activities concern the effects of values and norms as contextual properties of human behavior and of the opinions of individuals. I am also interested in local history."

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