Fish, Raymond M

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Fish, Raymond M.


Raymond M. Fish has practiced emergency medicine for over two decades, and has become an expert in the study of electrical injury. As an instructor, researcher, lecturer, and author, Fish has spread his knowledge of treating electrical injuries and explaining the biological effects of electrical currents on the human body. He also has served as an expert witness and consultant in cases concerning electrical injury and related topics.

Fish earned his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Clark University. He is board certified in emergency medicine and has practiced this specialty since the 1980s. Fish also works as a professor, teaching bioengineering, surgery, advanced cardiac life support, advanced trauma life support, and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At the university's Beckman Institute, Fish has conducted studies that combine engineering and medicine, such as the possibilities of using ultrasound to diagnose medical conditions. He is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Fish is well known for his literary contributions to the treatment and investigation of electrical injury. He is a contributing author of Forensic Aspects of Chemical and Biological Terrorism. Written for public health and safety workers, the book addresses the roles and responsibilities of these officials in the event of a terrorist attack. Fish also co-wrote Medical and Bioengineering Aspects of Electrical Injuries, which serves as a reference manual for treating electrical injuries. He also has written many articles for trade journals and other periodicals, on topics including the effects of tasers and stun guns and physician and hospital responsibility.

Fish's interest in the interaction of law with medicine led him to work as a witness and consultant in legal cases involving electrical injuries and medical negligence. Through this involvement with attorneys and lawsuits, Fish has written books and articles related to medical/legal topics. He co-wrote Electrical Injuries: Engineering, Medical and Legal Aspects, which analyses electrical injury issues dealt with by litigators and investigators. He also wrote Preparing for Your Deposition, a book that outlines the deposition process and gives advice for dealing with deposition tactics.

see also Death, cause of; Technology and forensic science.

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