Fellowship of the Inner Light

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Fellowship of the Inner Light

The Fellowship of the Inner Light is a channeling group founded in 1972 in Atlanta, Georgia, by the followers of Paul Solomon, a trance channel believed by his followers to be like Edgar Cayce. Solomon first began to channel from what was termed the "Source" in February 1972. Further sessions produced a variety of information for the treatment of diseases, accurate prophecies, and a complete system for the development of "Inner Light Consciousness." The fellowship was organized to disseminate the teachings concerning the Inner Light Consciousness and to provide a vehicle for Solomon's continued work.

In 1974 headquarters were shifted to Virginia Beach, Virginia, where Cayce had lived the last years of his life and where the Association for Research and Enlightenment continued the study of the Cayce transcripts. Here the fellowship became associated with the Heritage Store and Heritage Publications. Heritage Store was formed in 1969 to make the remedies suggested by the Cayce readings available to the general public. The store began to make Solomon's material available to its customers both in the immediate area and around the country. Through the 1980s, the fellowship also operated Carmel-inthe-Valley, a 13-acre retreat center near New market, Virginia, though in recent years all of the fellowship activities have been centered in Virginia Beach.

Solomon's channeled material parallels that of Cayce at many points. The source of his information is believed to be the Universal Mind and the Akashic records. All of human thought is believed to be recorded on the Akashic records, or the universal ethers, and hence remains available for someone like Solomon to draw on. The fellowship discourages contact with the spirits of the dead.

According to Solomon's teachings, humans are children of God trapped in material bodies, first manifest on ancient Atlantis. By spiritual growth and bodily cleansing, the trapped soul can stop the cycle of reincarnations and become one with God. Reincarnations allow time for the growth of the soul.

Current address unavailable.


A Healing Consciousness. Virginia Beach, Va.: Master's Press, 1978.

Spiritual Unfoldment and Psychic Development through Inner Light Consciousness. Atlanta: Fellowship of the Inner Light, n.d.

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