Fellows, Oscar L. 1943-
FELLOWS, Oscar L. 1943-
PERSONAL: Born October 5, 1943, in Del Rio, TX. Ethnicity: "Texan." Education: Brevard Community College, A.S., 1981; Park College, B.S., 1995. Politics: Independent. Religion: "Deist, with Christian leanings." Hobbies and other interests: Scientific research and experimentation.
ADDRESSES: Home—112 Clear Spring Rd., Georgetown, TX 78628. E-mail—frg@io.com.
CAREER: Writer. U.S. Government, worked as military engineer and operations manager, 1972-93; Fellows Research Group, Inc., Austin, TX, general manager, 1993-99. Military service: U.S. Marine Corps, 1962-66.
MEMBER: Austin Writers Guild.
Operation Damocles (suspense novel), Baen Books (Riverdale, NY), 1998.
Catalyst (suspense novel), iUniverse (Lincoln, NE), 2001.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on thermo-acoustic engines and related phenomena.
SIDELIGHTS: Oscar L. Fellows once told CA: "I think my primary motivation for writing is having something to say, whether it be a philosophical observation or a fictional scenario that pops into my head, and wanting to communicate it to someone. Each of us has a slant on life, and I think it's human nature to want to know what others think of our ideas, perceptions, and conclusions. I think this applies to all writers in some degree.
"If I had to pick a single writer whom I most admire, I would have to say Isaac Asimov. His nonfiction books on physics and chemistry are the most understandably written works in the fields, and they enlightened me. Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Silverberg, Heinlein, Bova, Pournelle, Niven, and others started me down the road in reading science fiction. As my interest in physical science grew, I came to admire Michael Crichton most, because his stories reflect real science in an exciting way, the way it should be depicted. Arthur C. Clark is another favorite. I like other genres, too. I like Ian Fleming's spy stories, and P. G. Wodehouse's wry sense of humor, and the mysteries of Martha Grimes and Arthur Conan Doyle. I liked Zane Grey and Louis Lamour. I think they all have influenced the way I look at the world: sadness for the changing times and loss of freedom; admiration for the real heroes of the past, the pioneers and inventors and doers; the excitement of discovery; the sense of honor that people once had.
"I don't have a writing process. I probably would get more done if I did. I love to write, once I get started, but I have to force myself to sit down and start.
"The uncommon perspective fascinates me, especially since it is usually the most logical. In 'Temblor Station No. 5' I write about a government agency that controls earthquakes. Since they do so much damage, shouldn't we prevent them? It seems logical to me, but, even though we have technology, it raises all sorts of legal questions about liability. So, we choose to let people die, rather than risk getting sued for breaking someone's crockery, or scaring a pregnant woman, or irritating the dairy cattle. The same is true of urban sprawl. We don't limit growth or plan it well, because that would irritate the developers. To me, human society is not sane. The common approach is not to solve problems, but to alleviate the immediate social pressures. Smoke and mirrors are always the forte of the incompetent, and rhetoric is easier than practical solutions. Fairy tales and propaganda are doled out to the passengers of our sinking ship; no one finds a competent person to plug the hole. I guess I would have to say that the things that inspire me to write are the things that irritate me. Writing is my attempt to influence others to think about things, and to see them the way I see them."