Cuddon, Eric (1905-)

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Cuddon, Eric (1905-)

British barrister, hypnotist, and writer who engaged in parapsychological investigations. He was born January 18, 1905, in London, educated at Oxford University (B.A., 1927; B.C.L., 1928; M.A., 1931), and became a barrister in 1928. During World War II he was a squadron leader in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (General Service and Defense medals). He practiced hypnotherapy and was particularly interested in telepathy and mediumship. He was a member of the council of the International Institute for Psychical Research, London, and took part in investigations of poltergeist phenomena with Nandor Fodor.


Cuddon, Eric. Hypnosis: its Meaning and Practice. N.p., 1938.

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