1. In Nemertini, a heavy barb set in the wall of the proboscis; accessory stylets are available to replace the stylet should it be lost.
2. In Tardigrada, one of a pair of barbs anchored in the muscles of the pharynx and whose points project into the anterior end of the buccal tube.
3. In certain groups of insects (mainly Hemiptera), one of the tubular, sucking mouth-parts formed from mandibles and maxillae that are modified into slender, flexible structures. The two pairs of maxillary stylets are pressed closely together and the separate salivary and food canals pass between them. The mandibular stylets slide freely and independently along the sides of the maxillary stylets. See also ROSTRUM.
stylet pointed instrument (e.g. surgical probe) or natural process. XVII. — F. — It. stiletto (see STILETTO).