
views updated May 11 2018

Sida (family Malvaceae) A genus of small shrubs and herbs, mostly covered in hairs. The leaves are simple, toothed or lobed, alternate, with stipules. The flowers are solitary, or held in terminal spikes or heads, and are usually yellow, orange, or white. They are regular and bisexual. The calyx is 5-toothed, the corolla of 5 free petals. The many stamens are united into a tube at the base and are joined to the corolla. The ovary is superior, with 5 unilocular carpels. The mature carpels form the schizocarps, often with a beak or bristle. Several species are grown as ornamentals. There are about 150 species, found in all temperate regions, but centred in America.


views updated Jun 11 2018

SIDA Swedish International Development Authority

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