
views updated May 23 2018

neo-Lamarckism Modern evolutionary theories that in some sense allow the possibility that acquired characteristics may be inherited (as proposed by Lamarck). For example, in 1980 E. J. Steele proposed that what in effect is Lamarckian evolution may occur by the insertion of new genetic material into the host genome by a retrovirus.


views updated May 14 2018

neo-Lamarckism Any modern variant of the theory of evolution by the inheritance of acquired characteristics which was proposed by Lamarck. For example, in 1980 E. J. Steele proposed that what in effect is Lamarckian evolution may occur by the insertion of new genetic material into the host genome by a retrovirus.


views updated May 11 2018

neo-Lamarckism Any of the comparatively modern theories of evolution based on Lamarck's theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics (see Lamarckism). These include the unfounded dogma of Lysenkoism and controversial experiments on the inheritance of acquired immunological tolerance in mice.


views updated May 17 2018

neo-Lamarckism Any modern variant of the theory of evolution by the inheritance of acquired characteristics that was proposed by Lamarck.

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