mor A type of surface humus horizon that is acid in reaction, lacking in microbial activity except that of fungi, and composed of several layers of organic matter in different degrees of decomposition. It forms beneath conifer forest and on open heath and moorland in cool, moist climates and is very acidic.
mor A type of surface humushorizon that is acid in reaction, low in microbial activity except that of fungi, and composed of several layers of organic matter in different degrees of decomposition. It forms beneath conifer forest and on open heath and moorland in cool, moist climates, and is very acidic.
mor Type of surface humus soil horizon that is acid in reaction, lacking in microbial activity except that of fungi, and composed of several layers of organic matter in different degrees of decomposition.
mor An acid humus composed of several layers of organic matter in various stages of decomposition, in which animal and plant remains are visible, and there is little microbial activity except by fungi.