Hawaiian floral realm

views updated May 18 2018

Hawaiian floral realm Part of R. Good's (1974, The Geography of the Flowering Plants) Polynesian floral subkingdom, which falls within his Palaeotropical floral kingdom. This is the most isolated floral region, which accounts for its great distinctiveness. About 20 per cent of the genera and over 90 per cent of the species are endemic (see endemism). No valuable economic or horticultural plants belong to this region. See also floral province and floristic region.

Hawaiian floral realm

views updated May 29 2018

Hawaiian floral realm Part of R. Good's (The Geography of the Flowering Plants, 1974) Polynesian subkingdom, which falls within his palaeotropical kingdom. This is the most isolated floral region, which accounts for its great distinctiveness. About 20 per cent of the genera and over 90 per cent of the species are endemic (see ENDEMISM). No valuable economic or horticultural plants belong to this region. See also FLORAL PROVINCE and FLORISTIC REGION.

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