Hawaii Occupational Schools

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Dr. Barbara White, Associate Director
Office of the State Director for Career and Technical Education
University of Hawaii
Lower Campus Rd.
Lunalilo Freeway Poratble 1
Honolulu, HI 96822-2489


Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 8, Department of Education, Chapter 101 states "private trade, vocational, or technical schools shall be licensed as provided by law and shall adhere to the provisions of this chapter except as follows:

  1. Schools maintained or classes conducted by employers for their own employees where no fee or tuition is charged.
  2. Courses of instruction given by any fraternal society, benevolent order, or professional organization to its members and which are not operated for profit.
  3. Flying schools qualified under the Federal Aviation Administration.
  4. Classes conducted for less than five students at one and the same time.
  5. Classes or courses of instruction which are conducted for twenty or less class sessions during any twelve month period.
  6. A vocational, hobby, recreation, or health classes or courses.
  7. Courses of instruction on religious subjects given under the auspices of a religious organization; or
  8. Schools registered by the State department of commerce and consumer fairs."

License is defined as "a formal document issued by the Department to grant permission to operate a private school or teach a subject under specific conditions."


Hollywood Beauty College, Inc.

99-084 Kauhale St., Aiea, HI 96701-4107. Cosmetology. Founded 1963. Contact: Ms Jo, (808)486-7255, Fax: (808)486-7473, E-mail: hlywdbty@aloha.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Month. Tuition: $3,500-$11,000. Enrollment: Total 80. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (14 Mo)


Hawaiian Islands School of Massage

PO Box 300, Captain Cook, HI 96704-0300. Other. Founded 1984. Contact: Peter or Lynn Wind, (808)323-3800, (866)928-9645, Fax: (808)323-3760, E-mail: massages@verizon.net, Web Site: http://hawaiianmassageschool.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: Varies with program. Enrollment: men 8, women 22. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (12-15 Mo)


Hawaii Community College

200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720. Two-Year College. Founded 1969. Contact: Doodie Downs, (808)974-7611, (808)974-7657, Fax: (808)974-7692, E-mail: ernelle@hawaii.edu, hawccinf@hawaii.edu, Web Site: http://www.hawcc.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $45 per credit (resident), $25 fees/semester; nonresident $242 per credit, $25 fees/semester. Enrollment: Total 1,177. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (2 Yr); Agriculture, General (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Auto Painting (2 Yr); Carpentry (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Drafting Aide (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (2 Yr); Electrical Technology (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (2 Yr); Food Service & Management (2 Yr); Hotel & Motel Management (1 Yr); Human Services (1 Yr); Marketing (2 Yr); Mechanics, Diesel (2 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Office Administration (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr)

United Hawaii College

139 Kapiolani St., Hilo, HI 96720. Other. Founded 1990. Contact: Paul J. Boklarewicz, VP, (808)933-0206, Fax: (808)935-4946. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 900. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Business; English As A Second Language


Aisen Shiatsu School

1314 S. King St., Rm. 601, Honolulu, HI 96814. Other. Founded 1977. Contact: Mrs. Elaine Indei, Mgr., (808)596-7354, Fax: (808)593-8282, E-mail: aisen@bigplanet.com, Web Site: http://www.aisenshiatsu.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $4,800 (includes $200 registration fee). Enrollment: Total 332. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (150 Hr)

American College Hawaii

1441 Kapiolani Blvd. Ste. 2000, Honolulu, HI 96814. Contact: Vic Hejmadi, President, (808)946-3535, Web Site: http://www.americancollegehawaii.com. Tuition: in-state; out-of-state.

Hawaii Business College

33 S.King St, 4th Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813. Contact: Josephine D. Stenberg, Director of financial director, (808)524-4014, Web Site: http://www.hbc.edu. Private. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $9,450 in-state; $9,450 out-of-state. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.

Hawaii Institute of Hair Design

71 S. Hotel St., Honolulu, HI 96813. Barber. Founded 1948. Contact: Margaret Williams, (808)533-6596, (808)521-1858, E-mail: www.hihd@cchono.com, Web Site: http://hihd.net. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $5,986.29. Enrollment: men 17, women 43. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (10 Mo)

Hawaii Technology Institute

629 Pohukaina St., Honolulu, HI 96813. Contact: Scott Murakami, Provost, (808)527-2700, Web Site: http://www.hti.edu. Private. Housing not available. Term: Trisemester. Tuition: $5,700 in-state; $5,700 out-of-state. Degrees awarded: Certificate.

Heald College-Honolulu

1500 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96814. Contact: Evelyn A.schemmel, Vice president and executive director, (808)955-1500, Web Site: http://www.heald.edu/campus/campus_honolulu.asp. Private. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $9,900 in-state; $9,900 out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 159. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.

Heald College, Schools of Business and Technology

1500 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96814. Two-Year College. Founded 1863. Contact: E.A. Schemmel, Assoc. Mgr., (808)955-1500, 800-755-3550, Fax: (808)955-6964, Web Site: http://www.heald.edu. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $3,100 per quarter. Enrollment: men 375, women 525. Degrees awarded: Associate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (72 Wk); Business Administration (72 Wk); Computer Technology (48 Wk); Electronics Technology (72 Wk); Hospitality (72 Wk); Medical Office Management (72 Wk); Office Administration (72 Wk)

Honolulu Community College

874 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96817. Two-Year College. Founded 1965. Contact: Ramsey Pedersen, Provost, (808)845-9211, Fax: (808)845-9173, Web Site: http://honolulu.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Semester. Tuition: $49/credit resident; $142/credit non-resident. Enrollment: Total 4,500. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: FAA; WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (2 Yr); Auto Body & Fender Repair (2 Yr); Auto Mechanics (2 Yr); Aviation Maintenance Technology (2 Yr); Baking (2 Yr); Carpentry (2 Yr); Child Care & Guidance (2 Yr); Clerical, General (2 Yr); Commercial Art (2 Yr); Communications, Electronic (2 Yr); Community Aid (2 Yr); Computer Information Science (2 Yr); Cooperative Education (2 Yr); Cosmetology (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Drafting, Architectural (2 Yr); Early Childhood Specialist (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (2 Yr); Engineering Technology (2 Yr); Fashion Design & Merchandising (2 Yr); Fire Science (2 Yr); Geriatric Care (2 Yr); Industrial Arts Technology (2 Yr); Machinist, Advanced (2 Yr); Machinist, General (2 Yr); Maintenance, Electrical (2 Yr); Marine Technology (2 Yr); Mathematics (2 Yr); Mechanics, Heavy Equipment (2 Yr); Plastics Technology (2 Yr); Police Science (2 Yr); Secretarial, General (2 Yr); Sheet Metal (2 Yr); Stenography, General (2 Yr); Teacher Assistant (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr)

Honolulu School of Massage, Inc.

PO Box 240323, Honolulu, HI 96824-0323. Trade and Technical. Founded 1981. Contact: Gayle E. Volger, L.M.T., Director of Education & Admissions, (808)733-0000, (808)733-0003, Fax: (808)733-0045, E-mail: hsminc@vizip.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Trisemester. Tuition: $6,850 includes textbooks. Enrollment: Total 200. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (180-450 Hr)

Japan-America Institute of Management Science, JAIMS

6660 Hawaii Kai Dr., Honolulu, HI 96825. Business. Founded 1972. Contact: Ms. Blair Odo, PhD, VP for Academic Affairs, (808)395-2314, Fax: (808)396-7112, E-mail: info@jaims.org, Web Site: http://www.jaims.org. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Other. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 100. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Business Administration; Business Communications; Business, International; Computer Technology; Health Care & Management; Information Systems; Language; Management

Kapiolani Community College

4303 Diamond Head Rd., Honolulu, HI 96816. Two-Year College. Founded 1946. Contact: Don Morton, Chancellor, (808)734-9555, (808)734-9000, Fax: (808)734-9162, E-mail: kapinfo@hawaii.edu, Web Site: http://www.kcc.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Semester. Tuition: $1400/yr. resident; $7,300/yr. nonresident. Enrollment: Total 2,923. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: AAMAE; JRCRTE; AOTA; WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Bookkeeping; Clerical, General; Cook, Short Order; Court Reporting; Culinary Occupations; Data Processing; Dental Assisting; Dietetic Technology; Food Service & Management; Hotel & Motel Management; Inhalation Therapy Technology; Legal Assistant; Marketing; Medical Assistant; Medical Laboratory Technology; Medical Record Technology; Nurses Aide; Nursing, Practical; Occupational Therapy; Radiologic Technology; Sales Management; Secretarial, General; Secretarial, Legal; Stenography, General; Word Processing

Med-Assist School of Hawaii

33 S. King St., No. 223, Honolulu, HI 96813. Allied Medical. Founded 1974. Contact: Rosemary Respecio, (808)524-3363, Fax: (808)524-1562, E-mail: medassistschool@verizon.net, Web Site: http://www.medassistschool.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $7,745. Enrollment: men 8, women 140. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ABHES. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Medical Assistant (9 Mo); Secretarial, Medical (7 Mo)

New York Technical Institute

1375 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96817. Trade and Technical. Founded 1910. Contact: Brian Hamilton, (808)841-5827, Fax: (808)841-5829, E-mail: nytih@gte.net. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: men 83, women 1. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (1 Yr); Auto Mechanics (1 Yr)

St. Francis Hospital School for X-Ray Technicians

2260 Liliha St., Honolulu, HI 96817. Allied Medical. Contact: R.D. Moore, M.D., (808)533-7441. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing not available. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Radiologic Technology

Travel Institute of the Pacific

1314 S. King St., No. 1164, Honolulu, HI 96814. Trade and Technical, Other. Founded 1975. Contact: James E. Hughes, Dir., (808)591-2708, Fax: (808)591-2709, E-mail: tip@aloha.net, Web Site: http://www.tiphawaii.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $3,969-$14,117. Enrollment: men 160, women 240. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Airline & Travel Careers (7 Mo); Culinary Arts (12 Mo); Hospitality (1 Yr); Hotel Front Desk (7 Mo); Travel Agents (7 Mo)

Travel University International

1441 Kapiolani Blvd., Ste. 2000, Honolulu, HI 96814. Trade and Technical. Founded 1983. Contact: Nancy Chappie, (808)946-3535, Fax: (808)942-1660, E-mail: hawaii@traveluniversity.edu, Web Site: http://www.traveluniversity.edu. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,120. Enrollment: men 24, women 59. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Hotel & Motel Management (485 Hr); Travel Agents (485 Hr)


Maui Community College

310 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732. Two-Year College. Founded 1965. Contact: Dr. Clyde M. Sakamoto, Vice Chancellor, (808)984-3500, Fax: (808)244-0862, Web Site: http://www.maui.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $47/credit resident; $242/credit non-resident. Enrollment: Total 1,070. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (2 Yr); Agricultural Science (2 Yr); Apparel Arts (1 Yr); Auto Body & Fender Repair (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Building Maintenance (1 Yr); Business Occupations (1 Yr); Carpentry (2 Yr); Electronic Engineering Technology (1 Yr); Food Service & Management (1 Yr); Hotel & Motel Management (2 Yr); Human Services (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Police Science (1 Yr); Secretarial, Administrative (1 Yr); Welding Technology (1 Yr)


American Institute of Massage therapy

407 Uluniu St., Ste. 204A, Kailua, HI 96734. Other. Founded 1985. Contact: Elizabeth Reveley, (808)266-2468, Fax: (808)266-2460. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $1,750 plus tax, includes textbooks. Enrollment: Total 18. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy


Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hawaii

PO Box 2288, Kamuela, HI 96743. Other. Founded 1986. Contact: Jacqueline Hahn, (808)885-9226, (808)885-7886, Fax: (808)885-9226, E-mail: admissions@tcmch.edu, Web Site: http://www.tcmch.edu. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Trisemester. Tuition: $10,200. Enrollment: men 10, women 20. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACAOM. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Acupuncture (48 Mo)


Windward Community College

45-720 Keaahala Rd., Kaneohe, HI 96744-3598. Contact: Angela Meixell, Chancellor, (808)235-7400, (808)235-7432, Web Site: http://www.windward.hawaii.edu. Public. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $1,128 in-state; $5,808 out-of-state. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.


Maui Academy of the Healing Arts

1847 S. Kihei Rd., 103, Kihei, HI 96753. Trade and Technical. Founded 1988. Contact: John Sanderson, Principal, (808)879-4266, 888-874-4266, Fax: (808)879-4484, E-mail: john@massageschoolmaui.com, info@massageschoolmaui.com, Web Site: http://massageschoolmaui.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Trisemester. Tuition: $1,638-$1,680 per level (trimester). Enrollment: Total 30. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (600 Hr)


Pacific College of Kauai - Pacific Center for Awareness and Bodywork

PO Box 672, Kilauea, HI 96754. Other. Founded 1990. Contact: Lee Joseph, (808)828-6797, Fax: (808)828-0886, E-mail: awarenessbodywork@yahoo.com, Web Site: http://awarenessandbodywork.com. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Other. Tuition: $6,500 (discounts for advance payment). Enrollment: Total 20. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NCBTMB. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Hypnotism (50-250 Hr); Massage Therapy (700 Hr)


Kauai Community College

3-1901 Kaumualii Highway, Lihue, HI 96766. Two-Year College. Founded 1964. Contact: Leighton Oride, Registrar, (808)245-8226, (808)245-8225, Fax: (808)245-8297, E-mail: arkauai@hawaii.edu, Web Site: http://kauai.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $49 per credit resident; $242 per credit nonresident. Enrollment: Total 440. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Auto Body & Fender Repair; Auto Mechanics; Automotive Technology; Auto Painting; Culinary Arts; Early Childhood Education; Electronics Technology; Facility Services Technology; Hospitality; Hotel & Motel Management; Liberal Arts; Nurses Aide; Nursing, Practical; Nursing, R.N.; Office Administration; Office Technology


Maui School of Therapeutic Massage

PO Box 1891, Makawao, HI 96768. Other. Founded 1995. Contact: Linda Sola, (808)572-1888, E-mail: info@massagemaui.com, Web Site: http://www.massagemaui.com. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $3,700. Enrollment: Total 24. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (600 Hr)


Leeward Community College

96-045 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393. Two-Year College. Founded 1968. Contact: Mark Silliman, Chancellor, (808)455-0228, Fax: (808)455-0471, E-mail: leeward@hawaii.edu, Web Site: http://www.lcc.hawaii.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $1,300/yr. resident; $7,300/yr. non-resident. Enrollment: Total 2,146. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Automotive Technology; Business Administration; Computer Aided Drafting; Computer Information Science; Digital Program Design; Drafting Technology; Drug & Alcohol Counseling; Food Service & Management; Graphic Arts; Illustration; Management; Marketing & Sales; Media Technology; Music; Office Administration; Office Technology; Television Production


Honolulu Police Department Recruit Training School

93-093 Waipahu Depot Rd., Waipahu, HI 96797. Trade and Technical. Founded 1988. Contact: Michael Tamashiro, Comdr, Training Div., (808)677-1474, Fax: (808)677-7394, E-mail: hpd@honolulupd.org, Web Site: http://www.honolulupd.org. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: none required. Enrollment: men 86, women 12. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Police Science

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