gradient wind

views updated May 14 2018

gradient wind A wind that represents the balance among all the forces acting upon moving air. It may be expressed by V in the equation: G = 2DωV sinφ ± DV2/r + F, where G is the pressure gradient, D the air's density, ω the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation about its axis, φ the latitude, r the radius of curvature of the air's path, F the friction, and V the air's velocity when the forces are in balance. The sign before the second term is + when the motion is around a cyclonic (low-pressure) centre, — when the motion is around an anticyclonic (high-pressure) centre. See also geostrophic wind.

gradient wind

views updated May 08 2018

gradient wind Wind that represents the balance among all the forces acting upon moving air. It may be expressed by V in the equation: G = 2DΩV sin Φ ± DV2/r + F, where G is the pressure gradient, D the air's density, Ω the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation about its axis, Φ the latitude, r the radius of curvature of the air's path, F the friction, and V the air's velocity when the forces are in balance. The sign before the second term is + when the motion is around a cyclonic (low-pressure) centre, − when the motion is around an anticyclonic (high-pressure) centre. See also GEOSTROPHIC WIND.

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