formula of vegetation

views updated May 29 2018

formula of vegetation A shorthand system for the rapid, precise description of vegetation. For example, in J. J. Christian's and T. O. Perry's (1953) scheme, A, B, and C respectively denote trees, shrubs, and herbs; 3, 2, and 1 indicate size as tall, medium, and short; density is recorded as x, y, and z, indicating respectively dense, average, and sparse. Average layer heights are also appended. There are many other such schemes, of varying complexity.

formula of vegetation

views updated May 21 2018

formula of vegetation A shorthand system for the rapid, precise description of vegetation. For example, in Christian's and Perry's (1953) scheme, A, B, and C respectively denote trees, shrubs, and herbs; 3, 2, and 1 indicate size as tall, medium, and short; density is recorded as x, y, and z, indicating respectively dense, average, and sparse. Average layer heights are also appended. There are many other such schemes, of varying complexity.

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