Formula 17
Formula 17 ★★ Shi qi sui de tian kong 2004
Classic romantic comedy—that is if you live in director DJ Chen's world set in an apparent hetero-free Taipei. This is a boy meets boy tale about young, attractive, sexually innocent country boy Tien's (Tang) move to the big city in search of love. Soon after arriving he runs into an old friend from home, Yu (Chin), who is a gay club bartender. Naturally he's swept into a hilarious circle of new friends including flamer CC (Jl) and fitness trainer Alan (Yang). Tien meets a hot one-night-stand artist named Bai (Duncan) who deflowers Tien but can't deliver the relationship Tien expects. High energy sino-pop soundtrack and attractive cast carries this light-hearted film. 93m/C DVD . Tony Yang, Duncan, King Chin, Dada Jl, Jimmy Yang, Jason Chang; D: D.J. Chen; W: Rady Fu; C: Chen Huei-Sheng; M: George Chen, Hung Tze-Li.