chernozem(black earth) A freely draining soil profile whose name is the Russian word for ‘black earth’. Chernozems are associated with grassland vegetation in temperate climates, and identified by the deep and even distribution of humus and of exchangeable cations (calcium and magnesium) through the profile (included in Mollisols of the USDA Soil Taxonomy). Because of their richness in plant nutrients and their excellent crumb structure, chernozems are among the most agriculturally productive soils in the world.
chernozem (black earth) A freely draining soil profile whose name is the Russian word for ‘black earth’. Chernozems are associated with grassland vegetation in temperate climates, and identified by the deep and even distribution of humus and of exchangeable cations (calcium and magnesium) through the profile (now included in Mollisols). Because of their richness in plant nutrients and their excellent crumb structure, chernozems are among the most agriculturally productive soils in the world.
chernozem (black earth) Freely draining, dark coloured soil profile whose name is the Russian word for ‘black earth’. Chernozems are associated with grassland vegetation in temperate climates, and identified by the deep and even distribution of humus and of exchangeable cations (calcium and magnesium) through the profile (now included in Mollisols).